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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 31, Issue 5, pp. 941-1174

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Nonclassical Shocks and Kinetic Relations: Strictly Hyperbolic Systems

Brian T. Hayes and Philippe G. LeFloch

pp. 941-991

Uniform Asymptotic Formula for Orthogonal Polynomials with Exponential Weight

W. Y. Qiu and R. Wong

pp. 992-1029

Nonlinear Pyramid Transforms Based on Median-Interpolation

David L. Donoho and Thomas P. Y. Yu

pp. 1030-1061

Orthonormal Ridgelets and Linear Singularities

David L. Donoho

pp. 1062-1099

Resolution in Dynamic Emission Tomography

Jean Maeght and Dominikus Noll

pp. 1100-1120

Second Order Singular Perturbation Models for Phase Transitions

Irene Fonseca and Carlo Mantegazza

pp. 1121-1143

Vanishing Shear Viscosity in the Equations of Compressible Fluids for the Flows with the Cylinder Symmetry

Hermano Frid and Vladimir Shelukhin

pp. 1144-1156

Asymptotics of the Fast-Diffusion Equation with Critical Exponent

Victor A. Galaktionov, Lambertus A. Peletier, and Juan L. Vazquez

pp. 1157-1174